1. this wonderful heart in my hand- made by my son many
many moons ago - made with love - glitter- and an
emerging mastery of scissors- I keep it in front of
my work area- to remind me of that long ago
Valentines' Day - and the pride on his face when
he gave it to me "I made it myself"...one of the things
I would grab when leaving a burning house.
2. Iced Coffee
3. making my backyard an animal habitat- my sister and I
were actually discussing if the birds appreciated the ice cubes
in the bird bath or not - it's been 104 degrees here on the
third coast.
4. Trips to the book store- to recycle books I have finished and
find new treasures. God Bless Half Priced Books
5. Writing more- my muse has returned- when it flows it flows
and when its gone I wonder if that feeling will ever come back.
What are you loving today?